We have had one here at Casa Hoot since, umm, last April?

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, January 13, 2016, 16:11 (3176 days ago) @ Cherokee

Right in there anyway. It is a neat little 1911. Your brain and your hand both know what it is but there's the little niggling voice that says something isn't quite right. By that I don't mean, not right in the function or performance, but not right in that it's noticeably smaller. Still and all, the hand and the mind know what you're holding. And that is a very good thing.

Not a bobble, FTFeed, FTFire or FTEject with anything we've tried so far. Black on black sights, which is not an issue for me but Melodie would like to see something more 'contrasty'.

We upgraded the grips to some pleasant rosewood checkered numbers and it's now very pleasing to the eye as well.

My only complaint is magazines are unobtainium (and they only ship with one). We were promised 'soon', followed by 'soon', followed by 'January' but, as of yet, they haven't materialized. I don't know what the hang-up might be but it's starting to grate a bit. It's a !@#$% 1911 magazine for goodness sake, not some free range neutron infusion device.

Sorry I don't have any data beyond 'We like it and everybody who's shot it likes it' but that's our current bottom line.

If you have specific questions, I will try and oblige---just holler.

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