question for OTony re:MAB pistols

by Otony, Tuesday, January 12, 2016, 18:29 (3177 days ago) @ Slow Hand

I have never even seen a Modele R in 9mm! Very rare! Given the way the gun is built, I wonder if it is a locked breech or relies on a mondo recoil spring?

As for the Modele D, mine is exquisitely machined. It is a well built pistol, and I am quite pleased with how it handles and shoots. I can't see any downside other than it is a large, steel framed pistol for a small, mild cartridge. Which means it is exceedingly pleasant to fool around with when shooting.

I suppose you could pack one if you were feeling very retro, the safety is well situated, but the sights are not meant for my old eyes.


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