Doc Hudson's Sixgunner Pepper Sauce and Bug Killer

by D. Sikes @, Tuesday, January 12, 2016, 12:45 (3177 days ago)

Hi Guys and Gals,

After reflecting on the previous post of Doc's passing, I rummaged thru my old emails and came across one from Doc. It was from 2014. We talked about how our lives had changed from the earlier Sixgunner days and such, as his making and selling his Bug Killer sauce from jalapenos that I would ship to him from when I lived in Texas. We had a good talk on the phone a few times after that.

To come to the point, He told me then that he was not making the Bug Killer sauce anymore cause his eyesight was failing so bad. But he sent me the recipe for it and instructions on how to make it. He siad he had held back the recipe from me before cause he didn't want to "spoil" his "best customer".. GRIN

I feel it's fitting that I now offer his special gift to me to ya'll. If any of you want his recipe who don't have it please email me at DonSikes52 at and/or respond here and I will provide it for you. He kept the recipe close and "secret" so he could sell it as part of his "retirement" income... GRIN ... Well, he had told me so many times how happy and proud he was of how ya'll enjoyed his sauce. I figure he would have wanted to gift ya'll his sauce after he had "gone home".

Enjoy and think of Doc often,

Don Sikes

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