Dead on article (except for Mexico)

by Ray L., Sunday, January 10, 2016, 21:08 (3179 days ago) @ Big Six

"outlawing guns means disarming whites"

provocative but hard to argue against.....facts are facts even if it contrasts with the philosophy/religion of our youth.....there has been black mob violence in the streets in broad daylight televised on the network news in the recent past with more sure to follow....

here in the deep south, in communities where people of all shades have coexisted in relative peace through reconstruction to the civil rights era tensions to the present, there is more distrustful wariness on the part of whites, even self-avowed multi-culturalists and blatant,sullen, incivility on the part of blacks now more than at any time in my life....the gun/pawn shops in our area report that since the summer of 2012 when the trayvon martin incident was heavily publicised, they have sold more guns to blacks than the previous three to four decades before.....

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