back stop question

by Bob Hatfield @, Monday, January 04, 2016, 06:23 (3185 days ago) @ RidinLou

When I was young and dumb I shot the end of a big old truck tire at 10 feet distance with a 36 cap n ball. The tire returned fire by bouncing the ball back ball parting my hair close to the scalp to make me reach up and feel my head and wonder "dang what was that?".
I didn't realize what happened until the second round bounced off too. Then a light bulb came on above my head and I said to myself "that funny feeling in my hair when I shot the first time was a ricochet!" I didn't shoot at that tire any more that close with a low powered lead ball. Either the ball or the thought of the ball parting my hair probably started making my hair thin on top.


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