Perhaps a tumultuous 2016

by Big Six, Friday, January 01, 2016, 09:52 (3188 days ago)

By Kevin Freking, Associated Press
HONOLULU December 31, 2015, 2:51 PM ET

President Barack Obama is expected to take executive action next week to expand when background checks are conducted on gun sales.

That's according to an individual whose gun control advocacy group has been briefed by administration officials about the timing. The person was not authorized to discuss details before the announcement and spoke on condition of anonymity.

White House officials won't confirm the timing. Spokesman Eric Schultz says the president has asked his team to see if additional action can be taken administratively to address gun violence and that the president expects the work to be completed soon.

White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said earlier this month that recommendations being submitted to Obama will include measures to expand background checks.

Politico: Executive Gun Control Will Force Background Checks on Private Sellers

by AWR Hawkins31 Dec 20151187

Politico reports that President Obama’s upcoming executive gun control will force a number of private gun sellers to get their Federal Firearms License (FFL) and perform background checks on every gun sold.

This is will not do away with the nonexistent “gun show loophole,” but it will further limit Americans’ freedom to sell guns to their neighbors or family members without a background check–which is ultimately what Democrats want to accomplish anyway.

According to Politico, “Obama will tighten the definition of what it means to be ‘engaged in the business’ of firearms sales.” Currently, those who sell firearms with the “principal objective of livelihood and profit” must have an FFL. Those selling as hobby or those who sell occasionally from a private collection do not. Obama plans to change the language so that those who sell as a hobby will be placed under the same heading as those who sell for a living.

Breitbart News previously reported that Micheal Bloomberg met with Obama in mid-December to discuss using an executive action to bypass Congress and secure this gun control expansion.

Obama is also expected to add new requirements to the numerous ones already in place for FFLs by “[imposing] tighter rules for reporting guns that get lost or stolen on their way to a buyer.”

Neither of these executive gun controls would have prevented even one of high profile shootings from the last decade, but both will succeed in placing a further burden on the exercise of the 2nd Amendment.

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