Those fights were under investigation.

by Murphy @, Friday, April 20, 2012, 16:54 (4548 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Law enforcement had gotten word about those fights and sent in an undercover agent from Louisiana to investigate.

Boudreaux came back and reported the following.

Chief, them fights is crooked sure nuff'. They's Cajun's, Texas Aggies and The Mafia involved.

The Chief asked Boudreaux to explain how he knew all this.

Well Chief, I saw one of them cock fights. I knowed them Texas Aggies was involved when someone entered a duck in the fight.

Okay replied the Chief, but what about the Cajuns? How you know they was involved?

Well Chief, someone bet on the duck. Ain't nobody but a drunk Cajun do that.

Okay replied the Chief, now how you know the Mafia was involved in all of this?

Boudreaux replied, 'Da duck won'.

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