NICS Check Rant!!!!

by woody, Monday, December 28, 2015, 17:19 (3192 days ago)

Ok so I go to pick up two handguns today at my dealer I had shipped there. He does all the paperwork and then tells me I was put on hold for my NICS check. I said what does that mean? Well if I don't hear back from them I'm good to pick them up on Friday. The dealer said more than likely the system is down and that is why. I said awesome!!! Need I say I was pissed right off!!! I've know for years that I always get sent on for further review. Takes another few minutes but no problems. I would really be mad since it's a 40 minute drive but I bought a shotgun that will be there the beginning of next week. So I will pick them all up then.

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