Cockfight Massacre

by Charles, Friday, April 20, 2012, 10:53 (4548 days ago)

Here is a little new item from down my way. Took place about 40 miles away. Hot times on the Border continue.

By Associated Press, Published: April 19

EDCOUCH, Texas — Masked gunmen opened fire during an illegal cockfight at a Texas ranch near Mexico early Thursday, killing three people and wounding eight others in what authorities described as a bloody massacre.

The attack at the ranch near Edcouch, a town about 15 miles northeast of McAllen, happened shortly after midnight and sent spectators fleeing from the makeshift bleachers surrounding the fighting ring into the brush. Authorities were searching for the attackers and for clues as to their possible motives, Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino said.

Homer Jasso, the justice of the peace for that area of the county, said the scene was shocking in its gore.

“It was a massacre,” Jasso said. “I haven’t seen this kind of violence in the valley here on my watch. ... This is the first time in my life I’ve seen something this bad.”

Authorities were withholding the names of the slaying victims until after they had notified the men’s families, but they said two of them, ages 49 and 53, were brothers. The other man was 42 years old.

Jasso said one man lay dead under the corrugated metal and wood pavilion that housed the bleachers, ring and concession stand. The bodies of the other two men were just outside. Investigators didn’t know how many people were at the fights, but Jasso estimated there were 200 to 300 discarded beer cans on the ground. The bodies of at least 20 dead fighting roosters were also strewn about, although Jasso said he didn’t know if the birds died in the ring or the gunfire.

“It was awful, awful, awful,” Jasso said.

Sheriff’s dispatcher Gloria Felix said the wounded were taken to hospitals, but she did not know their conditions.

The property is in an area crisscrossed by dirt roads where packs of dogs chase infrequent cars and tractors rumble between fields. A narrow dirt drive leads back through a fence posted with a no trespassing sign and past a small, low-slung, white home. Further back, a ramshackle trailer blocks the line of sight. An open field that neighbors said packed with cars on fight nights sat between the trailer and the fight site.

Rosalinda Ramos, who lives two houses away from the ranch, said she woke to noise at about 2 a.m., saw the police vehicles and figured the site had finally been raided.

“I told my kids they might catch them like other places and close them down, but that’s about it,” Ramos said. “We never thought it was going to happen like that.”

“This is bad, real bad. And like I said, it’s too close to us. We’re just innocent people.”

Ramos said she had lived there for about 20 years and the people who lived in the white house on the cockfight property had moved in shortly after she did. Everyone in the area keeps to themselves she said so she only knew the couple by their first names. They were very poor and sometimes came to her home to ask for tortillas, a taco or a dollar, Ramos said. She had noticed heavy traffic on the dirt road in front of their home on fight nights.

Cockfights showcase battles between birds that have been fitted with sharp metal blades or curved spikes on their legs. Spectators gamble on which bird will be victorious in the sometimes hour-long fights that end when one or both of the birds are dead or maimed. The last state to ban cockfighting was Louisiana, in 2008.

200 to 300 discarded beer cans ... so like 20-30 guys there?

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, April 20, 2012, 11:02 (4548 days ago) @ Charles

Terrible thing, but like dying in a house of ill repute or bar fight- they were asking for trouble by being there, and they got it, in spades.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

200 to 300 discarded beer cans ...

by Sarge, Friday, April 20, 2012, 23:07 (4547 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

They're barking up the wrong tree. That was a half-dozen Missouri farm boys with feeder calf proceeds in their pockets ;)


by JLF @, Friday, April 20, 2012, 11:15 (4548 days ago) @ Charles

It just doesn't get any more Border Country than that. Really makes me homesick. I wouldn't be surpised if the number of rounds fired didn't match the beer cans.

Cuidado, hombre...


Not Ordinary Border Violence

by Charles, Friday, April 20, 2012, 11:20 (4548 days ago) @ JLF

Cutting, stabing, beating as such are regular fare down here with folks often getting killed in the process. But this is some kind of organized raid by masked gunmen in which 11 persons are shot.

This kind of stuff happens in Mexico all the time with the drug thugs, but this is way beyond our normal stuff. This little ranch were it took place, is just a little ways from Mexico.

When and if they ever get to the bottom of this, most likely it will be related to the Mexico cartels. This is the way they conduct business in Mexico.

Not Ordinary Border Violence

by JLF @, Friday, April 20, 2012, 11:26 (4548 days ago) @ Charles

I understand, and fully see your point, no question in my mind that this is cartel related. But if you're drinking beer and watching the cockfights at an isolated ranch on the border, and gunfire erupts, it shouldn't be any great shock. I see Rob's point too.


I Agree

by Charles, Friday, April 20, 2012, 11:34 (4548 days ago) @ JLF

If a fellow doesn't want get shot or stabed, a good place to start is staying away from whore houses, bars, pool halls, chicken fights and other places of low repute.

Lesson learned long ago........

by Byron, Friday, April 20, 2012, 12:35 (4548 days ago) @ Charles

Don't go to dumb places with dumb people doing dumb things.....

Or if you do bring friends with rifles......

Still, my mothers people came from McAllen and I remember spending Christmas vacation down there with them 50 years ago...

Sometimes the men folk would get together and head out for a night of beer and cock fighting....a right of passage for the boys to be invited...

Back that was like going to a baseball game....

Times change....


I Agree

by woody, Friday, April 20, 2012, 13:53 (4548 days ago) @ Charles

That makes for a pretty boring life staying away from fun places like you listed Charles!!!!


by Charles, Friday, April 20, 2012, 15:36 (4548 days ago) @ woody

What is or what is not "fun" means different things to different people. Many people do indeed think destructive behaviour of one sort or another is "fun". Human beings are capable of enjoying some pretty perverse things.

Charles ... it was meant sarcasticlly. Woody spends a great

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, April 20, 2012, 15:38 (4548 days ago) @ Charles

deal of his time dealing with the aftermath of that sort of "fun." As have you.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Charles ... it was meant sarcasticlly. Woody spends a great

by Charles, Friday, April 20, 2012, 15:43 (4548 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I figured that, but it did give me an opportunity to preach a little. Like the old fire horse that runs to the smell of smoke, I make a bee line for the nearests mini-sermon. Now if I could just find a way to take up an offering online!:-)

Offering online .. I see a mix of youtube sermons & pay pal

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, April 20, 2012, 15:56 (4548 days ago) @ Charles

in your future... preach it brother!

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Those fights were under investigation.

by Murphy @, Friday, April 20, 2012, 16:54 (4548 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Law enforcement had gotten word about those fights and sent in an undercover agent from Louisiana to investigate.

Boudreaux came back and reported the following.

Chief, them fights is crooked sure nuff'. They's Cajun's, Texas Aggies and The Mafia involved.

The Chief asked Boudreaux to explain how he knew all this.

Well Chief, I saw one of them cock fights. I knowed them Texas Aggies was involved when someone entered a duck in the fight.

Okay replied the Chief, but what about the Cajuns? How you know they was involved?

Well Chief, someone bet on the duck. Ain't nobody but a drunk Cajun do that.

Okay replied the Chief, now how you know the Mafia was involved in all of this?

Boudreaux replied, 'Da duck won'.


by woody, Monday, April 23, 2012, 17:50 (4545 days ago) @ Charles
edited by woody, Monday, April 23, 2012, 17:53

Charles I was trying to be funny. Sometimes when you write it doesn't sound the same. As Rob said I do see a lot of destructive behavior. Some people just can't resist. Just keep going back for more. It amazes me how much abuse the body can endure from drugs/alcohol or continue to hang out in places you can get hurt or killed.

Sheriff now postulating

by Charles, Saturday, April 21, 2012, 16:12 (4547 days ago) @ Charles

that it was a "slopy hit". Two of the dead guys were brothers and known local low lifes with many groups and individuals having reason to want them dead. The others were just collateral damage. That is the theory Sheriff now is working on.

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