Put the old girl to good use last week.

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Friday, December 18, 2015, 15:22 (3202 days ago) @ Wildcat

Gorgeous deer.

Coincidentally, I killed a 10 point that the butcher said weighed 170 pounds field dressed, after hanging two days, with a 1950s 99-F in .300 Savage on the Monday after Thanksgiving this year. The cartridge is plenty for almost anything in the U.S. with the right bullet and you can't beat the rifle for portability and speed of operation.

I wish Savage still made them, but I understand that there's little interest anymore and the machining would be prohibitively expensive. Plus, with the number of them out there used but in near new condition, it's hard to compete with the used market. Every gun store I go into has a handful on the shelf, mostly .300s.

I picked up a ton of brass when I bought the rifle, so I'm fixed for life, and probably for several additional life spans, given the volume of shooting I do with the rifle.

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