I have liked the SR9 since I handled and shot them way back

by MS @, Southern Michigan, Thursday, December 17, 2015, 05:57 (3204 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Yeah, the list of attributes is pretty long.
One other thing, adjustable sights. How many of it's competitors have adjustable sights?
Some folks prefer fixed sights for this application, but adjustable sights work better for me.
This sight appears to be well designed from the ruggedness aspect, we'll see if I can break it.

The real test though is reliability. How many rounds do you think a guy needs to put through it to be certain?
3000? 10,000?
How many failures in let's say 10,000 rounds is acceptable?
I know my old Ruger Bull Barrel Target 5.5" had 14,000+ and I never had a failure that wasn't out of spec ammo related. Bent cases, bullets lopsided that sort of thing.
If it looked normal on non-magnified inspection and had powder and primer compound, it would cycle.

I sure would like to say that about this SR9.
Time to cast up a few 1000 more 9mm bullets and limber up the Dillon 650.

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