If you were gonna peep sight a 10/22 takedown...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, December 13, 2015, 16:05 (3207 days ago) @ rob

I've used the WGRS on various rifles and I'm about done with them. They are a PITA to adjust. If your zero places the elevation lock screw on the edge of the base mount holes, the elevation slide will eventually move. I've also busted their fragile little screws trying to lock them in place. But I've also busted a T post and a 3/4" break-over bar in the last six months, so it might be me ;)

Damn shame you can't find old steel Lyman 57's and 66's for less than crazy money these days. I'm going to sock one of these on the rear Weaver mount of my old Winchester 670 and call it good.



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