A few temptations there fer sure...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, April 20, 2012, 08:30 (4548 days ago) @ John Meeker

The only one I know more than nothing about is the Romanian trainer. I bought mine for the princely sum of $60 many moons ago. Extra mags were nonexistent at the time but may be more available now--I have a few. I see them priced these days in the $130 and up range. They are a true sleeper. Never heard of one that didn't shoot all out of proportion to how it looks ("rough" is being kind). Find a $25 Weaver V-22 scope and you have a neat vintage package...

Dang, I NEED to get mine out now.

I might be talked into another....for the grandkids, of course. Yeah. that's the ticket...

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