I had three, count 'em, biopsies before they found mine...

by pokynojoe, Sunday, December 06, 2015, 16:54 (3214 days ago) @ Art

lotsa fun! That was about five or six years ago, the third one did the charm. One big problem living in Appalachia, you sure don't want to get sick. I would have opted for Proton Radiation Therapy, but insurance wouldn't cover it.

Now I live my life in three month segments, never planning anything in advance of that time period. Every three months I get screened, if ok, I get three more. If the result is bad, it's in the bones, and for me, it's over.

This may seem odd, but I have to say, it's been somewhat liberating. I have all my affairs(such as they are) in order. Now a days when I think about my life before, it's amazing how many trivial things (and pretty much everything is trivial) my day to day concerns were. Roof leaks? not a big deal. Boss is mad? who cares?

Next year I plan to start unburdening myself of all my worldly goods. It shouldn't take too long. I came into this world with nothing, and that's the way I plan to leave.

My only real regret is that I didn't come up with a Unified Theory (at least not yet, though I'm still working on it). Oh...and my epic novel remains unfinished.

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