Boycotting Taurus Lawsuit.

by ERSisk @, Saturday, December 05, 2015, 12:40 (3215 days ago)

I have seen adds for a class action suit against Taurus and I own one of the pistols that falls into the suit group. I however have decided against participation in any form. I own at least a half dozen Taurus pistols and revolvers all of excellent quality and value, that I have never had any issues with that were not immediately remedied by the Taurus service department. I see the outcome of this suit benefitting the law firm far above all others. Besides, I took my Taurus to the range, loaded up and rapped the back of the slide with a mallet several times simulating the impact of being dropped and then some. No discharge, imagine that. I thought that since 1968 or thereabouts, to be imported into the US all firearms had to be able to pass a drop test impacting directly on the hammer or rear of the slide.

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