Here is why, IF YOU CARRY, JUST DO IT!

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Friday, December 04, 2015, 00:34 (3217 days ago)

This a post from another board.

The guy is a ICU/ER nurse at one of the hospitals (I know which one, but it's redacted for security) where several of the shooting victims are being cared for.

This is the sad story from one of the survivors:

I sent XXXX a email last night explaining most of what you're hearing today in the news. you can read it below. My guy wasn’t a active SO deputy, he was retired.


Sorry I couldn't talk. I was taking care of a survivor of the shooting today. Turns out he was one of my peeps. Retired *********** sheriffs deputy, and employee of the health department. He told me how the attack took place, and how it was blind luck that he lived. He said that it was a slaughter because everyone was in a confined conference room at this building, and that it was a meeting / early Christmas party. Seems that the woman was the one who shot most of the people. He said that the man took off before the woman did. Then he goes on to tell us that he suspects one of his co-workers of being involved, and tells us his name. Says the guy is a Muslim who has been causing a lot of trouble at his office that he works with.

Of course the name he gives us is the one that they publish a hour later, but he doesn't know that because he's in ******************. Says that neither one of the shooters knew how to shoot, that they came in with their rifles at hip level and began firing randomly. When the weapons were empty, they had difficulty reloading the rifles, which gave him time to exit the building with a few other victims. He was upset because there was plenty of time while they were attempting to reload that he could have easily shot them, but he didn't have his gun with him today. *************** He was really upset about that. It was really sad to listen to his story. Everything that we tell each other about being always being armed and ready for anything played out word for word by this poor guy, it was like listening to a NRA CCW training instructor talk about what will go wrong in a real world situation. I felt really bad for him.

I haven't heard much else since I was inside and out of earshot of the SO and FBI that were here. They bailed at midnight and the hospital went off lockdown at that time. I still think there is more to this than is being told. Too much just does not add up. Armor, IEDs....I think that this guy and his wife were Jihadists. But it really looks like their going to call this workplace violence.

Anyway I got to get back to work. Talk at you down the road....

Gentlemen; Here endeth the lesson.

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