Not gone if you can shoot 'em, I'll ship 'em......

by John Meeker @, Maumee Ohio, Thursday, December 03, 2015, 20:15 (3217 days ago) @ Brian A

in the post post-retirement lighten the load process. We have an 1840's hewn timber house under renovation and stacked with antique furniture and an old country store stuffed to the walls and some ceilings from our years in restoration, antique dealing, and who knows what else. I WANT to see the actual flippin' walls and floors again. Also, need to do some interior fixxer upper stuff to get the real-estate ready for market. Mart'and the Chessies and I need some open road before we're boxed for final delivery. Won't get there unless the process just gets effin' ruthless. It ain't 'what it's worth" - it's get it to go away. Was once a ramblin' man, and got no intention to die in some old folks joint. Better to climb mountains than sit on bedpans in wait to die joint.

Gave some local M/L clan friends, a stack of used bbls and stocks and stuff that are less than perfect, but can be assembled into decent 'starter guns' for new members. The thrill just ain't there for a lot of stuff that was a hobby or sport, because there are things to do and see beyond the front porch.

Sooo..gotta start sum'eres. Happy .25 poppin'. and best regards.

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