The Mini-14 is fast becoming my go-to general purpose...

by John Meeker, Saturday, November 28, 2015, 12:07 (3222 days ago) @ rob

Rob, as events move along, I find that 'old stuff' seems to be more usable than the the 'latest'. The AR platform has been 'because it's necessary', to me. However, it is not 'shotgun' reflexive -- mostly due to me not having put in time and more time to make it so. SA's & classic DA's- yes, SxS shotguns - levers and bolts and pumps-- yes, and ye auld etcetera. I have the AR's and mags and sights and do know how to 'shoot'. However, it is rarely the gun[s] that i pick for fun. yeah, it is a gas to rip off a mag and to shoot stuff to pieces.

Your comments rang the bell however, that as I downsize and simplify, there may be options to lighten the load. No radical 'sell it all' and start over, but some nephews and nice family may benefit from the process. Thanks for the idea.

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