S&W - square butt vs round butt

by Norm, Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 11:04 (3226 days ago)

A post on another site got me thinking - until a few short years ago, I'd always preferred round butt Smiths, whether they be J,K,L or N frames. I've had square butt guns converted to round butts and was a sucker for custom N frames that had been round-butted (Jovino's, Behlert's, etc). I have to admit I thought they looked cooler and were easier to conceal than their counterparts.

Reality for me now is that I shoot square butts a whole lot better, and even with larger grips, the square butts are just as concealable for me now. Case in point - I carry this square butt, target gripped M36 90% of the time, even when I'm carrying something else. (For me, a New York reload is much faster and more effective than a speed reload)

[Those are S&W factory j-frame square butt targets that I forgot I had and a Ken Null horshide Gibson Covert ]


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