I had an MK9 élite for a few years.

by cas, Thursday, November 19, 2015, 11:35 (3231 days ago) @ Otony

Loved it but I didn't. It wasn't trouble free by any means. The previous owner, a friend, had to send it back because the barrel/slide lockup was eating itself up. They replaced the whole top and, then I bought it. On me, that slide cracked. Between the barrel hole and the guide rod hole. I was told it's not uncommon. Even with that, it still worked just fine.

It never malfunctioned on me. It was more accurate than it had any business being. And the DAO trigger was great. But as stated, it was a brick. Too heavy to pocket carry well, too small to carry IWB well. I was always left with the feeling "I might as well have a bigger gun."
I bought it "just because" and the price was real good. I bought it more as a shooter/plinker than a carry gun and I shot it a lot. But were I looking for similar today I'd buy a Glock 43 or a Sheild.

As I recall some of the "cheaper" ones have a fixed front sight, where the higher priced ones have a front dovetail.

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