spent the last day and a half cutting trees....

by Otony, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 19:04 (4549 days ago)

.....twenty four to be exact, spruces with trunks ranging from four inches to ten-twelve inches. Well, given the state of my heart of late, I let someone else cut down the trees, but I ran the chipper and loaded (carefully!) some of the cut fireplace sized logs into the bucket of my friends tractor.

Also drove his dump truck, which he loaded with the tractor. Came home yesterday pretty worn out, aches and pains everywhere but not my chest. Breathed fully and had more gas than in a long time.

Today was a half day and I actually worked a bit more than yesterday. We were finished by lunch (which I was completely ready for BTW).

Feel very good overall. For those who may think I was pushing it too far, I have to write that I was cautious, and rested whenever I felt like it. Even given my heart issues, I did pass a stress test not long back, so I worked carefully and used common sense.

I feel prety darn good!


well, you may be as ornery as i am......i get up after....

by cable, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 19:36 (4549 days ago) @ Otony

surgery and go to work the next day......i am tickled you are feeling so much better, but really, DONT OVER DO IT.
[ i dont play an MD on tv, but i do in real life....so PLEASE ! ]

well, you may be as ornery as i am......i get up after....

by Otony, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 21:06 (4549 days ago) @ cable

Sir, I will take your advice, no arguement on my part. Part of the reason for doing so much was there was not enough people to get the job done. Another part was sheer stubborness. Plus I was told to go back to work on Monday, and I manage a lawn & garden nursery.

Now they did tell me not to overdo it, and yeah, mebbeso I was doing that just a leetle bit, but I honestly did pace myself, and rested often.

Besides, I am supposed to start an exercise program.....;-)



by JLF @, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 21:19 (4549 days ago) @ Otony

I don't remember you mentioning any issues about a heart attack starting all this. If that's the case, then your ticker is fine, it's the feeding system that needed fixing. So with that fixed, it should be even better. Don't let them make you an old maid, the only thing you need to be concerned about is the proceedure healing properly, and preventing future clog-ups. You ain't no "heart patient".



by Otony, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 21:49 (4549 days ago) @ JLF

You may well be right. Other than being short of breath, I still was working darn hard every day prior to the procedure. In fact, my bosses at work tell me often that they count on me due to my work ethic and effort.

I am now scheduled for cardiac rehab, which I am going to assume is a course on proper diet and exercise. Now, I am not an expert in either field, but trust me when I write that my diet is watched with a very careful and discerning eye by both my wife and I. My diet is excellent, and has been for some time, except one meal a week with "the boys", which was usually a Rubin with a salad (man of habit, I can see that Rubin every freaking day). My downfall was a little too much bread and rice, but that has been curbed 99%.

I do need more exercise, that is an unfortunate truth, but am also determined to get it. The bike is off the rack, and I am tuning it for neighborhood jaunts again. My old walking partner is raring to go, so I have no excuses.

Don't want to appear as though I am making light of all this, I am not. This was certainly a wake-up call, but not a surprise.

It has not been all beer and skittles, I might add. My docs explained my right artery was clogged so badly (it received three of my four stents) that if I had had a heart attack I would not likely have survived. THAT was a real eye opener.

And the groin pain I have mentioned? Well, there was a hematoma that developed during the procedure. This is not too uncommon from what I have been told and read. Thankfully I didn't have any further internal bleeding, but it sure didn't help when the d@mn thing broke and bled into my leg this weekend. Talk about ugly, painful, and frightening! That too has passed, thank goodness, but my right thigh appears to have been beaten with a meat tenderizer!

No old maid here, but I will try to be a bit more careful...

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