spent the last day and a half cutting trees....

by Otony, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 19:04 (4549 days ago)

.....twenty four to be exact, spruces with trunks ranging from four inches to ten-twelve inches. Well, given the state of my heart of late, I let someone else cut down the trees, but I ran the chipper and loaded (carefully!) some of the cut fireplace sized logs into the bucket of my friends tractor.

Also drove his dump truck, which he loaded with the tractor. Came home yesterday pretty worn out, aches and pains everywhere but not my chest. Breathed fully and had more gas than in a long time.

Today was a half day and I actually worked a bit more than yesterday. We were finished by lunch (which I was completely ready for BTW).

Feel very good overall. For those who may think I was pushing it too far, I have to write that I was cautious, and rested whenever I felt like it. Even given my heart issues, I did pass a stress test not long back, so I worked carefully and used common sense.

I feel prety darn good!


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