Guess I'll have to blaze the trail on this one....

by rob @, Monday, November 09, 2015, 08:01 (3242 days ago) @ rob

This week my plan is to remove the pressure pad from the fore-end tip and be sure the barrel is sufficiently floated. Then I'll coat the inside of the stock with marine spar varnish to seal it....something not done from the factory on the wood stock. That should eliminate the flyers. Another thing I've read on these rifles in my searching is it helps to eliminate barrel jump and bounce when benching it by holding the fore-end consistently between the stock and sandbags just as you would if shooting offhand or in the field. That makes sense and I've had the same issues with leverguns in .44. The recoil from a .44 plus the relatively slow bullet (compared to a high power rifle round) leaves a lot of barrel time and inconsistencies in hold and bench technique are what cause the flyers...supposedly. We shall see what we shall see and I will report back. As for bullet choices, I can't find Deep Curl bullets of 240 or 270 grain at Midway or Midsouth so I have some 300 XTP's on the way and I'll try some 240 XTP's as well...have a lot of them. We'll double check my 240 Deep Curl load after I float the barrel and try some XTP's so I don't waist my remaining stock.

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