I've been horse trading again

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Thursday, November 05, 2015, 11:04 (3245 days ago)

I did a little horse trading this week, actually made a three way trade for one of these. A couple of guys now have long guns they wanted, and I have a couple more revolvers than I did last week. And I found a couple of prizes in the $10 holster box at a pawn shop.

This 44 Redhawk came from an older guy who said he just can't see iron sights any more. He now has a nice scoped Marlin 30-30 that he's probably out in the woods with today. It has fiber optic sights on it, he says he has the originals and will mail them to me.


Another .44 and another Model 69 (now I have two). This one was literally the gun that came with a box of shells with six empties. I wouldn't have even been interested in this one, until I tried the trigger. My other model 69 has a trigger than Hillary Clinton would be proud of, this one would make an old craftsman at S&W proud.


On the subject of the Model 69, this Galco holster fits it perfectly. I believe it was made for a 4 inch N frame, but if fits the 4 1/4 inch L frame to perfection.


And finally, this one is a real prize to me. I don't know why but I just love this gun. The Performance Center trigger is just fantastic, both DA and SA. The stock grips even feel great to me.


Another holster discovery. This holster fits this 686+ like it was made for it. It also fits my 2 3/4 inch Speed Six.


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