dumb acquisition but interesting

by Big Six, Thursday, November 05, 2015, 08:44 (3246 days ago) @ cable

If you wanted it... it was not so dumb.

I saw one in Montgomery Ward in Lexington, KY when I was a boy (just prior to Christmas).

My father was with me and I commented on how I liked the shotgun with the really long barrel.

I still remember his exact comment although that was long, long ago:

"You could take that and shoot a rabbit going over the other side of a hill."

It cost $39.95 at the time and seemed unusually high to me so I wrote it off as just something I wanted and nothing attainable soon.

Christmas morning I went downstairs, put some more coal in the stove and walked over to the tree. There it was, 36" barrel, all the shine and color case hardening Harrington & Richardson could provide, brand new, leaning against the wall calling my name. Long Tom it was always called. (Still is, by me, my boys and soon by my grandchildren.)

Everyone from that event long ago has now gone on to the other side but Tom and I are still here. He still looks pretty much like he did that Christmas morning although I am a little rusty and have a few scratches I did not have then.

He and I go out to the squirrel woods at least once a year for old time's sake and we take a few grays just like the old days.

I think you will enjoy your purchase... especially if you have some tall oak trees in your area.


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