Nightstand pistol...

by Byron, Monday, October 12, 2015, 10:30 (3270 days ago) @ Hoot

My thoughts on night sights have changed over the years. At one time I considered them to be a "must have" and spent a bunch of money fitting them to handguns.

However, after spending even more money on gunslinger schools my opinion has changed to consider them "no big deal" and here's why.

Almost all shootouts take place at or near conversational distance. A police/civilian shootout over 20 feet is very very rare. At these distances it is more about who hits first that wins and with a bit of training one can learn to point shoot well enough to hit a door knob most of the time...without sights at all...plenty good enough for the boogie man.

The real problem (in my opinion) with night sights is that they kinda sorta encourage shooting in low light conditions where you can see the sights BUT cannot really see your target and that is a real real real bad thing and the same goes for lasers.

Again (in opinion) one is much better served spending a couple of hundred dollars on a good airsoft pistol similar to their sidearm and a go out in the backyard and shoot it a couple of thousand times in scenarios similar to what they might find themselves in. Even better shooting it out with a partner in the dark. This coupled with spending the time to master using a flashlight (this an absolute must have item) during low light shooting puts them to the front of the line, every time.

Unless you can clearly see your target it is probably best not to shoot...even though you can see the sights well enough...if you know what I mean.

The other thing of more value than night sights is a ballistic vest that can be slipped on in a jiffy. While the best possible outcome in a shootout is not to get shot, if you do catch one the risk of a fatal wound is reduced by approx 85% if you are wearing a vest when shot.

So then my feelings are to spend the money on a airsoft pistol similar to your side arm, learn to use a flashlight for shooing a night, spend time shooting in lowlight conditions inside your house and get a vest that can be slipped on when the dog barks.


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