Wella-day: this must be my lucky one -- new cellphone needed

by John Meeker @, NW Ohio, Friday, October 09, 2015, 17:08 (3272 days ago)

Yup...my little folder Casio brick -- proof against anything for years, will no longer make noise thru the speaker. Can write, but can't send, either. PFOOOOOO-EF The day got half eat up with Docs and it's too rainy to paint. And now gotta go stand around while some sleek 'effer wants to shove a loser model off on the old folks. Damn.....later....just venting..Hey, maybe I should eat a can beans, then go over there. "Hey free phone and service for year, sir, if you'll just leave --- very sooon. Ummmm...come to think of it -- we had chili for a late lunch.

OK...I gotta lock this 'puter thing up and hide it....getting embarrassed at these posts. Just one of those conjunctions of BS-days that happen.

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