.Why would anyone buy a Glurk...welllllll. My first step

by John Meeker @, NW Ohio, Friday, October 09, 2015, 16:26 (3272 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

into apostasy in plastic was a full sized .45 when they first became available. Damn thing shouldn't have been so accurate and easy to shoot -- for me -- hence, I don't have any real prejudice agin' 'em.

How'emsoever -- after more reading and futzing around at the local gun-counters -- the Shield is closing in as the main contender. For one, I want a safety -- now. Two -- it has to be 'grippable' and chambered under the present 'hands' condition. Making the rounds of the 'big three' this weekend for side by side comparisons.

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