IMO handgun silhouette is the most fun shooting game

by bj @, Sunday, October 04, 2015, 19:24 (3277 days ago) @ ERSisk

Many, many years ago we had various forms of Silhouette- NRA had hunter pistol in big bore and rimfire, IHMSA had big bore Silhouette and later had .22 Silhouette. Then IHMSA added field pistol that was similar to NRA. I liked IHMSA the most, because it had bigger guns and positions other than standing. I did the standing parts when I had to. I think shooting games run in cycles and eventually silhouette faded away in my part of the country.

What I remember about rimfire silhouette was that NRA used the same size targets for rimfire and bigbore but IHMSA used smaller targets and they were particularly difficult. The few matches I attended that had rimfire targets just set them up for fun, not competition.

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