They call me the Snake Wrangler...

by MS @, Southern Michigan, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 06:24 (3279 days ago)

I get a call at work from my daughter, who's in a panic.
"there's a Garter Snake in the house! I put a box over it, but Casey (daughter's dog) won't leave it alone!
So I leave work and drive the 3 miles home.
Daughter Unit wasn't there!
I go in the house and into the family room, where the dogs and the snake are supposed to be.
The box that was at one time covering the snake is smashed over in a corner, and no snake in sight.
Hhmmm, wonder where that snake went? Looking around the room, the carpet in front of the recliner is all scruffed up from dog claws scratching so let's look under the chair.
Flipping up the leg rest, I can see about four inches of snake, but the rest is up in the chair.
I grabbed the tail and pulled it out.
Of course the snake is pissed off due to the dog harassing him, and he bites me!
I let go of the snake, the dog then grabs it, flips it a few feet and goes after it again!
Me, the dog and the snake make a little crazy dance around the room for a bit, till I get ahold of the damned dog's collar, and make a swipe grab of the snake.
I got him about 4-5" back of the head, so of course the bastard bites me again. This time I didn't let go.
Opening the storm door with a dog's collar in one hand and a snake in the other, was a bit fun, but we three went outside finally.
Letting go of the dog let me disengage the snake from the back of my hand.
Casey the dog is now jumping up trying to grab the snake, so I hot footed it to the fence and tossed the snake outside the back yard.

That was a real goat ropin' I'll tell ya!

I called the Daughter Unit, and told her to call off the air strike on the house as she was figuratively ready to burn it down around the snake!

Some days life is more exciting than others.


They call me the Snake Wrangler...

by FrankS, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 06:58 (3279 days ago) @ MS

Good times! Hope your OK.

They call me the Snake Wrangler...

by John Meeker @, NW Ohio, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 07:18 (3279 days ago) @ MS

That was a Wrangle, for sure. BTW, it just crossed me 'fuddled memory that we have a meeting sched'd at Cabela's. Am i supposed to be bringing anything, once you let me know where and when. I know i did set something aside, but this scrambled circuits biz, is like living in a non-fun house of mirrors. phone is to hand, and I think i can still operate/answer it...thank god i didn't buy one of those Swipy-pad things, everyone has welded to their subordinate hand. However, .....better update me, esp if it's today!!!

They call me the Snake Wrangler...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 08:17 (3279 days ago) @ MS

Great story Mark... glad it wasn't a crocogater ;)

They call me the Snake Wrangler...

by Catoosa, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 11:21 (3279 days ago) @ MS

Garter snakes are nasty-tempered critters. I generally get along with snakes, but not garters or the equally nasty banded water snakes we have around here.

Used to have a huge black rat snake that came around occasionally. One day she lay coiled on the workbench in my blacksmith shed and watched me work all morning. I didn't seem to bother her at all.

Too funny!!

by Brian A, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 14:08 (3279 days ago) @ MS

Great story, best laugh I've had all day, thank you. I generally get along pretty well with snakes, especially garter and ribbon snakes, though they are not as fun as the hognoses. Hope you took care of those bites, while they are not poisonous, they can carry all sorts of not-so-good germs.

That is hysterical!!

by mcassill, Saturday, October 03, 2015, 15:03 (3279 days ago) @ MS

You should have saved it to show her when she got home....

indeed !

by cable, Sunday, October 04, 2015, 13:59 (3278 days ago) @ mcassill



by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Sunday, October 04, 2015, 11:06 (3278 days ago) @ MS

Thanks for the great giggle!

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