Good job and an AH Fox is a classy choice !

by John Meeker @, NW Ohio, Friday, October 02, 2015, 13:10 (3280 days ago) @ cable

Plus One --

BTW, hate 'dog abusers', but will not hesitate to protect the Chessies and us, when strolling the wooded sward..... While i don't do 'warning shots' with Da Peeples. if a dog appears to be merely curious, or near his buildings and does not close the distance, I'm prepared for it -- but will bot shoot, unless compelled.

And , yes...a big Chessie male or one of the ferocious bitches CAN tear it up...but not on my time, and responsibility. As for dog fighters, who steal dogs, may they roast alive in Hell for Eternity, while Daemons tear their flesh. Fuck Forgiveness.

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