Once upon a time......

by Ray L., Friday, October 02, 2015, 11:46 (3280 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

at a prior job, a group of us gunny folk mobbed together and approached our board of directors to protest a "no firearms allowed" policy.....Our duties and responsibilities, more often than not, required our presence in dark and lonely places where sometimes outlaws and brigands liked to assemble to socialize......Most of us chose to be discreetly lightly armed in these circumstances but because of the potential disparity of force in terms of numbers and deportment of the individuals encountered, we sought the blessings of our superiors to openly carry heavier armament......

The answer was an immediate, adamant, emphatic N O ! Here is their explanation paraphrased:

"If one of you were unfortunately injured or killed in the performance of your duties, you and the company would receive nothing but sympathy and pity......if on the other hand, an associate were to slay a customer/client, even if justified by the laws of self-defense, the result would be a scandalous legal and public relations nightmare...."

this excuse seems to be standard across the spectrum of industry, commerce, education, and public works......

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