More on (who you calling a moron?) .41 Special brass...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, September 11, 2015, 09:24 (3301 days ago)

Thanks to the kindness of Kings6/Robb, the query earlier this week has netted enough brass for me to do what I have in mind. At the same time, letters were dashed off to both Starline and Quality Cartridge to see if any more was forthcoming.

This reply was received from QC:
"The .41 Special is already in the schedule, but we are awaiting raw materials from our supplier.

The normal trigger point for a run is set before we run out, however without materials it really wouldn't matter how much was on back-order.....can't do anything without materials.

We are looking to have materials after the first of the year (so we've been told buy our supplier). Exactly when, well we haven't been given a delivery date yet.

If you'd like to be put on the back-order list, please give us all your contact info, along with qty. you like us to set aside for you, and we'll be sure to get a hold of you once the run is complete."

They list this brass on line at $59/50!! I will probably throw in for a few but it sure won't be 1k or so! (Robb, you want to rethink your price? ;-) )

No word from Starline yet.

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