Mine is the new stainless composite Tactical Ranch Rifle...

by rob @, Saturday, September 05, 2015, 08:49 (3307 days ago) @ stonewalrus

It's listed as I:9". It seems to shoot a lot of loads in the 2.5"-3" range (not three shot groups...five or more rounds) and with some loads it does even better in the 1.5"-2" range. It seems to like my hand loads, PMC is one of the better loads and Winchester Western 55 grain 5.56 shoots pretty good in it as well (about an inch higher than Federal XM193 and a little bit tighter groups as well). It doesn't seem to like the Barnes Vortex or my hand loads with the Barnes TSX bullets. I have some Remington Ultra Bonded Core-Locts that I need to try and see how it does with them. I'd really like to find a good factory load with a tough bullet for hogs and deer but so far I've been striking out. My AR loved the Barnes bullets, Winchester Razorback, etc.

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