Good! Hope you enjoy it. I like your idea

by brionic @, Thursday, August 27, 2015, 23:51 (3315 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

of using it as a five shot .45 "as needed".

So much to like about the whole .454/.480 project, from the "overnight" genesis to the circle of individuals involved, behind the curtain. Hey, look: gear to go!

I don't understand the weirdness of the ill-fitting grips. They seem to go in cycles. The .44 FT Bisley grips, blocky and otherwise mediocre, seemed to be well fitted. Mine has a weird little spot of chatoyance on the left side that looks like it's winking at me when I move it under the lights or sun. It's not enough to stave off a call to Mr. Dick for a set of his specials, though.

Look forward to shooting reports.

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