Rule number one:

by Byron, Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 22:14 (3323 days ago) @ Big Six

Don't live in a dumb place, don't do dumb things with dumb people.

More spacifically, stay away from groups of young black men and drugs and you will almost surely be fine.

I rarely carry these days for a number of reasons. I live in a small town that is predominantly white, I know or at least recognize most people I meet. I am on an Army base 5 days a week to CrossFit with the Majors 30 years younger than me and getting caught at the gate by the shore patrol with an unapproved weapon is a real bad thing. When in my car I don't need a gun because I am behind 475 horsepower and a ton and a half of lethal metal. I do have a pistol and a shotgun in my clinic...just in case. Practically speaking, I am in more danger getting in my car and driving my family to church that being way laid by thugs.

FYI: when in Kansas City I am armed AND stay away from dumb places and stupid people.

IMO anyone living in Baltimore or any city like it is making a big mistake.



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