its 458 caliber but doesnt use any powder

by cable, Thursday, April 12, 2012, 15:35 (4556 days ago)

picture shows it ........note: NMF [ not my feet ]

made by Jack Haley of mississippi, Southern Airguns

is precharged from scuba tank to 3200psi.....has enough power for big game out to at least 50 yds can use round ball or best with a 440 gr conventional lead bullet from a Lee mold


picked up locally from a guy who needed some $ for his business, and he threw in the tank, regulators, scope, case,etc etc. the air is contained in the tube below the barrel.. beautiful workmanshhip and he says it is quite accurate

new thing for me
anybody else ever used pre-charged airguns??

here is haley's website

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