Any experiance with converting a 45 1911 to 400 Corbon? YES!

by WIL TERRY, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 17:19 (3344 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

IT IS AN EASY CONVERSION but it must be done right with the properly headspaced BBL. I have a 400 in Kimber, a Ruger P90 400,a S&W M645 and 745,....and dang it I can remember the last one[...phoooeeeyy??!!!!!]
The only brass I ever saw REALLY worth converting was the once fired WCC military cases.
Commercial RP brass sucked canalawater.
WW brass was pretty good too. SOME FC brass was okay but some of it must have been made form old beer cans or something.
STARLINE IS THE BEST...I recommend this highly !!!
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You will need a cannalure tool for use with UN-cannalured projectiles.
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