I had Hamilton Bowen build me a custom K32...

by Boge Quinn, Sunday, July 19, 2015, 18:12 (3355 days ago) @ stonecoldrc

...using a K38 as a donor gun, and a rebored K22 barrel. It's a dual-cylinder, 32 WCF / 32 H&R Magnum. Very cool sixgun that shoots like a dream. My pal and brother Shootist Matt Olivier provided the base K38, and another dear Shootist friend, Terry Murbach, provided a vintage cylinder and barrel. I have a custom carved Mike Barranti rig that my pal and brother Shootist Mike Hutyra had Barranti make for it as a surprise, and a custom Barranti holster for the extra cylinder assembly. It is a very special sixgun.

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