My situation...

by D. Sikes, Saturday, July 18, 2015, 17:33 (3356 days ago) @ Caz

for those that didn't know... for the past 17 years, we've had a "partner" here at the ranch... he became "Family" to my wife and me... more of a brother than my blood brother is.. and more like a combo "son" and "life partner"... without all the "extras"... just in heart, spirit, and financially... he was so much a part of my "close family" taht he was legal partner to the ranch and enheritance...

well... that all came to an end this last weekend... with a betrayal of heart and spirit... he was my "fox-hole" mate and a "heart" mate to my wife... we lived a "commune" life without the "physical entanglements"... (I am straight... GRIN)

that's more than I've told most anyone else who isn't family about who "we" were and "are" ...

anyway... he is gone for good... and we're trying to pick up the pieces financially, spiritually, and emotionally... I've had to sell some guns this last week to pay for legal fees and a start to paying off debt that we have that I alone must now pay for without financial assistance from him...

anyway... thank you all for your prayers and concern over my welfare... you really don't know how much that means to me... ya'll are my "family" too...

Brotherly Man Hugs...


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