How much longer?

by Catoosa, Friday, July 17, 2015, 08:21 (3357 days ago) @ Ken O'Neill

Are we going to put up with this scum coming over here and killing our people? The old, noble notion of America as a haven for immigrants was predicated on those immigrants coming to these shores, leaving behind their old ways, and becoming AMERICANS. Now they want to bring their culture and hatreds with them and poison this country as they did their own.

We can no longer afford to let anyone who damm pleases come here and attack us. Evil is among us, and if we are going to survive as a nation, we have to find a way to root it out and destroy it.

I'll turn off the rant now. Sorry, folks, but Chattanooga is my home town, and it has been attacked by an evil scum who had no business even being on these shores. If it can happen in Chattanooga, it can happen anywhere. "Diversity" is killing us.

May God bless those Marines. They gave their lives to defend us right here on these shores, just as surely as if they had been in Ramadi.

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