I am with you. in a slightly convoluted manner i wound up.

by cable @, Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:51 (4558 days ago) @ Alfred John

with a really well decked out one of thes:


and another friend has one too. light , powerful and with a good scope both of ours shoot 5 shot groups well under an inch at 100 yds. i wouldnt have believed it. hard to go wrong with one like this. i have had HK91, HK 770 , HK SL-7, and an MIA,,, all were good butm, other than the HK770 a sporting rifle, they were not fast handling and easy to instantly bring to bear on target...the SL7 was lightweight but poorly balanced. i find this one to be a great combo of reliability, handling, etc with terrific accuracy.

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