So far the plan is to get to the range with...

by rob @, Saturday, July 04, 2015, 23:35 (3369 days ago) @ rob

The extractor upgrade parts installed, the original lower in tow, and both hand loads loaded each in the brass they have been reliable with and the brass each one has failed with. If it runs fine with the Spikes lower with the rounds loaded in the brass it's failed in ill know it was the extractor. If it still fails I'll try each load in the brass that has not (as of yet) failed and see if it does ok. If so I'll know it's related to the brass. Then, I may swap lowers and try the loads with the brass that's failed to extract and if it straightens out I'll know it's the buffer. I'll take a different mag but I can't see a mag causing FTE. The bolts coming back and picking up a new round and trying to feed it and the partially extracted rounds both back in. But, I guess anything' possible so I won't rule it out.

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