Lost something else... yeah, again...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, July 04, 2015, 20:07 (3370 days ago)

I was at work and we had some odd pieces of fired brass come in (8x57, .25-06, .270 Win, .30-06) I had a thought I would convert that brass to 7.65x53mm Argentine and brought it home. Today I had some free time and pulled out the 7.65x53mm Argentine die set box expecting to find the form and trim die and extended shell-holder. Nope. Not there. A review of the die sets revealed 6-sets for cartridges I don't shoot, you know, just in case. None of them contained the missing form and trim or extended shell holder. I do have a second brand new extended shell-holder (?). I know it has to be here somewhere (no, it isn't in the ammo can either). I could have sworn it was in a RCBS die box correctly marked for it. I don't know anyone around here who shoots the 7.65 Argentine and last used the F&T die about 8 years ago. I am pretty sure it has to be here, but where? This sort of thing happens every once in a while, I'll probably find it in a couple of years. Oh, by the way, I also got 100 new Norma cases for $19.00! I paid more for a box of 20 in 1972. :-D



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