Ok. The story. Not much of a story. But here it is.

by MR, Saturday, June 27, 2015, 10:14 (3377 days ago) @ Josh Maloley

Not being much of a drinker, and not a drug user other those that keep my Blood Pressure regular and those that help a baby boomer man pee, I can't blame the vision on anything other than driving down the road boredom. But I suppose a vision is a vision.
Colt Pocket 9's had just come out and I had bought one. So naturally I bought another one. Oh, and if if have to explain the rationale of that last sentence to you, you just as well quit reading now, cause this post ain't-gonna-make-no-kinda-sense-atal to you. I thought that was going to me my personal dress carry gun and I decided to dress one up. Friend Scotty, my life long gun folly cheerleader, and I took off to visit Jim Downing at a SASS shoot near Granbury, TX. Sent one of the pocket 9's home with him with pretty much carte blanche on engraving the Stainless Steel slide. After a couple of months it came home. I had wood grips made by a guy that died short after making them on the other one, so my plan for another set of the woody's went by the way side. I decided I wanted Ivories. So Dale and I made a trip to the West End Market place in Dallas to see an Ivory "carver" jewelry maker artizan that I knew of. He took the grip frame and one of the woody's off the other one as a pattern. 6 months later I called him and he said he couldn't do it. Too much carving on the inside and he had already ruined too much ivory trying. So I went and got my stuff back. Now I have a pocket nine with wood grips, which is acceptable,and one with the factory rubbers, which was not. Some how I found Collins Craft Grips. The old man that is Collins Craft Grips had some Pocket 9 grips on this site, some Ivory grips on his site, but no Colt Pocket 9 grips on his site. So I called him. He said he could make a pair for $450, in a tone of voice that seemed to say, "this will end this phone call". At this point I was too deep into the project and had up too much of a head of steam to stop. So I said, "let me read you a debit card number". I must say the Ivories he sent had beautiful grain and were thicker and better made than I expected. It felt a little slick and round when you shot it. So I ordered an bumpy aluminum front strap cover for a 1911 from Brownells and took Dale's kitchen shears to it. She wasn't home at the time. Dale shot it once and said it felt like a fire cracker went off in her hand. She has never had a firecracker go off in her hand, but I have and I really think she over estimated on her description. But the "firecracker" name stuck, and that's what she calls it to this day. I may have carried it maybe twice. The prospect of it falling out of my pocket and cracking or dinging the grips made daily carry kind of stupid. Notice how long in the process it took for "stupid" to soak in. I have no defense to that charge and plead Nolo Contendere your honor. Not to mention that Keltec and the Ruger/Keltec have made the Pocket 9 obsolete.

And then there is Mark's Folly #3. That's not a brass front sight.


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