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by Big Six, Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 08:38 (3381 days ago)


O'Malley: A single life 'worth more than all the guns in the United States'
Washington Examiner

By Ariel CohenPublished June 23, 2015

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley may not be doing well in the polls, but he's putting in a concerted effort to make his voice heard on gun violence in the wake of the recent Charleston massacres.

"A single American life is worth more than all the guns in the United States," O'Malley said while giving a speech at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco. "How many senseless acts of violence do we have to endure as a people before we stand up to the congressional lobbyists of the National Rifle Association? How many more Americans have to die?"

While governor of Maryland, O'Malley instituted laws banning assault weapons and high capacity gun magazines that "exist only to inflict human casualty." He also implemented strict licensing rules cracking down on the gun-permitting process, to ensure maximum safety. Because of his actions, the National Rifle Association gave O'Malley an "F rating."

O'Malley recently told supporters that his legislation passed in Maryland is just his first step for his plan for the nation. If elected, he said he wants to enforce a national assault weapons ban, stricter background checks and increase efforts to reduce straw-buying of guns.

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