Thank you Rob. Your experience means much to me.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, June 18, 2015, 22:27 (3386 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Here's what I did not write so's not to skew the answers...

I own a fairly decent pile of rifles. They are all 'neat' in their own way. However, they also tend toward the esoteric in terms of caliber or form. That's cool with me because it's what I like.

I have been thinking recently though that there are not too many rifles which I would define as "grab and go". Maybe the couple of .303's hanging around might serve this role but I have to consider Miss Melodie's abilities as well.

She owns a Ruger American compact in .308 and she is VERY able with it. The Gunsite Scout is available in .308, has up to a 10 round magazine, is a platform with which I am very comfortable. The .308 has no flies on it for just about any use I can imagine. And, I suppose, I am something of a Ruger fan (surprised?).

Couple all that with the happenstance of a friend wanting to sell his at a reasonable price...

I guess what it looks like today is that there are worse choices and, perhaps, better. It still seems like it wouldn't be a "wrong" decision.

Thanks again for your help.

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