Yep. The rest of the story:

by MR, Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 20:32 (3387 days ago) @ Art

This was owned by the grumpy grizzly old curmudgeon who's day job working in the ID bureau of the Fort Worth Po-Leece Department. He gave me a very usable philosopy on life that has served me well. One day in about 1980, when I was out shining on my first airplane, I decided to run down to the South Hanger on Fort Worth Meacham to see if he was doing the same to his WW2 SNJ-5. Turns out he was there and was putting in a new radio in the old bird. Before I knew what was happening I was shanghi'ed to help, to the extent I was upside down with my head in the floorboard of the front cockpit, trying to grab the end of the antenna cable he was feeding in from the dorsal antenna. I'm there upside down, wedged in, sweat running into my eyes, and I hear,
"Hey Slim do you know what my philosopy of life is?"

"No Don. By all means. What, pray tell, is your philosopy of life?"

"My philosopy of life is: Respond to the way you are treated in like kind times two!
Your friends will love you and your enemies will learn to leave you alone." (That's a slightly abridged version)

Now that made a lot of sense to me. Still does. Then he showed me the photo he took of a co worker lady leaning on his SNJ in nothing but nail polish and makeup.

That was ARCH's father.

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