2015 TSMS?

by MS @, Southern Michigan, Friday, June 05, 2015, 07:47 (3399 days ago)

We are seriously considering having a TSMS (Tom Stevenson Memorial Shoot, for those who aren't familiar or are newer to the board.) here in August.
It's been a couple of years since we've had one, and I'm ready to do it once again.
We are looking to scale this back a bit to just friends, Sixshooter friends and relatives.
The last couple of shoots got a bit too big and lost the closeness of a small group.
Dates are not set yet, but I'm thinking first or second weekend in August.
Anyone interested? We would be delighted to see you folks, if you are interested, please e-mail me and let's figure out a date.




These are from TSMS 2012.

Mark Stevenson

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