A little behind schedule.......

by Gunner @, St Louis, Monday, June 01, 2015, 20:31 (3403 days ago)

Way too many things getting in the way of knife making lately......the to do list is getting LONG. Though some it was holiday, some family and the rest, well kinda my fault : )

I have been testing new techniques, some experimenting, some process testing, purchased and tested a new adjustable tool rest for the big grinder (big help for blade bevel grinding), dealing with the etcher issue (see below post) and some general shop issues. Also have been talking to several big name bladesmiths from the area that are members of the Gateway Area Knife Club, trying to get over the hump with several issues I am having with grinding my own blades. Got some helpful tips and nice comments on my finished knives that I showed them. Matter of fact one sought me out at the club meeting after one of my blades caught his eye at the meeting and he asked me what my story was, funny thing was his reaction after I told him how long I have been making knives, kinda surprised him how short of a time period that I have been doing it. A little ego stroke for sure but more importantly it told me I am close to getting it all figured out and easing my mind a little, way too many hair pulling days in the last few months in dealing with all of this.

So all of this leads to a lot of work sitting on the bench......


Not to mention several finished blades that I still haven't gotten decent pictures of yet so I can post them on my site, like I said long to do list but it keeps me out of trouble, well for the most part : )


41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

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